
Sunny day photo of 8 volunteers standing in front of plastic-covered hoop house on the farm.


There is always work to do on the Farm. We would love to have your help!

In light of the pandemic we are taking all precautions, masks are required, and all work will be performed outdoors.  Please check our calendar for specific volunteer days. Sign up to volunteer here.

In-Kind Donations

We have a wish list of items that we need to continue the work at Fountain Heights Farms. From work gloves to walk-in coolers. Check out our Amazon Wish List here.

Brown girl with long black hair reclining on a hill of soil near a turtle sculpture she made out of soil.Other Volunteer Opportunities 

We are in need of some very specific skilled volunteers. These open positions require self-directed independent work and great communication.   If you think you would be a great fit for any of these positions, please reach out to us so that we can talk directly.


Attorney for Quiet Title Proceedings

Non-profit IRS designation setup

Solicit and gather in-kind donations

#WeAllEat Food Cooperative Social media & spreadsheet wrangler

Skill-building classes for our neighbors & friends (canning, herbal remedies, tinctures, ancestral practices, cooking, etc.)